Saturday, 7 September 2019

Stair-ing into the Abyss

The new patch for TS4 was released a couple of days ago and it looks like EA are giving TS4 players the one thing TS3 players begged for and never got - customisable stair shapes. For free no less!

We pleaded endlessly for L-shaped and half-landing stairs, and aside from a couple of stylised L-shaped stairs availble for purchase in the store, we got no freebies. Nothing. Nada. Zip.

The Storied Tale Stairs are fine if you were building something a little rustic and wanted a classic look stair case, but in a modern build they don't look so hot. A more modern L-shaped staircase can be found as part of the Prism Art Studio, but aren't available to purchase on their own.

As cool as these stairs can look in the right setting, the biggest downside to both of these is that the railings are fixed and can''t be removed, so customisation is limited.

U-shaped/half-landing stairs are non-existant in TS3, so you can either spend a little extra time manipulating floor elevation and friezes, or you can download the wonderful Cottage Half-Landing Stairs by Inge and Gosik. I cannot tell you how much and how many times I've used those stairs!

Back to TS4... I am both happy and infuriated at the addition of these stairs, mainly because it took me a fookin' age to reach a compromise that I was happy with for the TS4 rebuild of Kinross. The aforementioned Cottage Half-Landing Stairs were used for the original and there was just no way of re-creating them for the TS4 version.

As always, there's plenty of tutorials out there for custom stair shapes in TS4, much like TS3. However, they're only good if you don't want the stairs to be in a small wall-enclosed area. That said, in what felt like an endless search for tutorials, I did find someone who had made an amazing apartment block with a staircase that made my eyes pop. Of course, now I can't find it to share it. If I do ever come across it, I'll come back and edit this post.

Anyway, now I'm faced with the question of whether I'll revise the TS4 version of Kinross. Part of me wants to say 'yes' because I'm a stickler for accuracy. Another part of me wants to say, "No, you can all bugger off because it took me ages to figure out an alternative!!!"

If I do, then I'll probably keep both versions up and available for download. I think that may be the way to go.

Until next time...

B2 x

B2 Sims Customised version of 'I Love Books' by Ipietoon. A selection of TS4™ icons featured are by Oh My Sims!

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