I ended up gifting the parts to my husband as a sort of belated Christmas/Birthday present since our joint failure of acquiring a PS5 put us both off the idea entirely. Now it's finally in stock properly and widely available, we haven't changed out minds on the matter. We will keep on with the PS4 until Sony stops supporting it, or until an exclusive game comes out that we absolutely have to have and our hand is forced.
Consumerism is fun.
Anyway, here I am, back again with my first bit of CC in who knows how long?
My laptop decided to die a slow death and, having stolen back his PC and moved it downstairs, I managed to salvage my TS4 saves and transfer it over. Now I have all Sims games in one place. Convenient.
As I was rummaging through my WIP folders, I found the TS4 version of my Rocky Horror Columbia costume, which I had originally whipped up for TS3. The bustier and tap shoes were finished and the shorts only had a couple of swatches left to do/ Why not, eh?
I'd almost forgotten how much I enjoy making CC. Tends to happen when you have an absolute bellend of a laptop and you get seduced by Animal Crossing. Yep. A year of my life spent befriending cute little floofers and engaging in actual game play.
In other new, I've also been finishing up and tweaking a couple of builds I started about.. erm... 3 years ago? One of these is a TS3 to TS4 rebuild. I'll give you a clue - it's a bit ghastly.
Just need to pull my finger out and get the screenshots done. Always my least favourite part.