Finding her own beach-side paradise in Barnacle Bay, Sidney was keen to explore... or at least she would have been had a thunder storm not kicked off the second she set foot in her new home!
Of course, bad weather has never bothered Sidney or Champ. They spent some quality time playing and enjoying their new home. Safe to say the move hasn't unsettled Champ in the slightest. While the new home is not as extravagant as the marital home of Moonlight Falls, there's still more than enough space for Champ to run around and for Sidney to exercise her creativity.
Speaking of which, once Champ had settled in for the night, Sidney made a start on her next book - an exposé on one Jeffrey Dean.
It would seem that Jeffrey has been a bad, bad boy, leaving a broken hearts behind him (not to mention his involvement in Sidney and Mitchell's breakup). Yes, Jeffrey had better watch out because this book will leave nothing to the imagination as Sidney plans to give an open an honest account of her own is former dalliances with Jeffrey, as well as intimate stories from many of his former conquests.
What does Jeffrey think of this? He thinks it's a great idea - mainly because it was his idea! As you can see, Sidney is simply thrilled by the prospect!